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Loving Precision

Certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001 : 2015

In 1995 Langer Hydraulik has been founded and since then we have faced growth and change. These challenges have enabled us to improve our processes to apply to customer needs. A high level of quality has strengthen our continuos growth and given us a unique position in the European market.

The selection of prematerial suppliers is of utmost importance to us. We established a responsible and reliable connection with them in order to maintan and improve our processes.

The most valuable resource for our high quality production is the self-conception of our employers who see the quality of our products as a personal statement. To empower them we offer and encourage documented processes and ongoing education throughout all phases of production.


Declaration of Conformity to REACh Regulation

Langer Hydraulik GmbH is a downstream user in the supply chain in the sense of the REACH Regulation 1907/2006. According to information from our suppliers, the materials we use do not contain any substances from the SVHC candidate list (ECHA), or the maximum permissible limits are complied with. It is agreed with our suppliers that only REACh and RoHS compliant materials will be delivered to us. In case of non-compliance, the suppliers are obliged to inform us immediately. As soon as we find out that our products are subject to notification according to Art. 33 REACh regulation, we will inform you immediately.

Langer Hydraulik GmbH is not active as an importer for conflict minerals (3TG - tin, tantum, tungsten, gold) and does not use raw and auxiliary materials containing 3TG alloys. Our suppliers confirm to us that no conflict minerals or their derivatives are used in the production of raw materials.

Our suppliers further confirm to us that the materials delivered to us are free of radioactive contamination. The information required for this is furthermore declared on a batch basis in the papers accompanying the materials (Acceptance Test Certificate 3.1 - DIN EN 10204). Ionizing application and thus incorporation into materials in the manufacturing processes of Langer Hydraulik GmbH does not take place.

This declaration applies to all products and finishing services of Langer Hydraulik GmbH.
